Main Avenue Elementary School

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  • Be on time - Class starts at 8:30 each morning.
  • Act like you're in school - This is important learning time.  Panthers are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe no matter where they are doing their learning.
  • Sit in 1 spot during class - Find a good spot for class time.  A chair at a table or desk is best.
  • Keep yourself muted - Unless you are sharing, keeping your mute button on keeps any background noise from disrupting the class.
  • Turn on your video - We love to see your face!
  • Raise your hand to talk - You can use the raise hand button or actually raise your hand on your camera for the teacher to call on you.
  • Listen - Be a good listener for your teacher and classmates.
  • No eating during class - Make sure to have breakfast and lunch before class begins.  Recess is at 10:00 - this is a good time to have a mid-morning snack.
  • Have fun and do your best!